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Recent Trade Reports (Forex) and Stocks

Statement: 1004757 - Jay Khanna

Forex Capital Markets LLC.

Account: 1004757 Name: Jay Khanna Currency: USD 2010 March 22, 02:38
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
109186432010.03.15 19:25balanceDeposit500 000.00
109186462010.03.15 19:26buy8.00eurusd1.366520.000000.000002010.03.16 09:061.367060.000.00-4.00432.00
109259472010.03.16 11:20buy8.00eurusd1.369440.000000.000002010.03.16 12:041.370780.000.000.001 072.00
109265102010.03.16 12:19buy8.00usdchf1.058430.000000.000002010.03.22 02:381.060150.000.005.301 297.93
109265172010.03.16 12:20buy8.00gbpusd1.512280.000000.000002010.03.18 06:471.528390.000.00-4.0012 888.00
109562512010.03.18 08:47sell8.00eurusd1.365720.000000.000002010.03.19 03:451.361780.000.00-6.403 152.00
  0.00 0.00 -9.10 18 841.93
Closed P/L: 18 832.83
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
No transactions
  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 500 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 18 832.83 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00
Balance: 518 832.83 Equity: 518 832.83 Free Margin: 518 832.83
Gross Profit: 18 832.83 Gross Loss: 0.00 Total Net Profit: 18 832.83
Profit Factor: Expected Payoff: 3766.57  
Absolute Drawdown: 0.00 Maximal Drawdown: 0.00 (0.00%) Relative Drawdown: 0.00% (0.00)
Total Trades: 5 Short Positions (won %): 1 (100.00%) Long Positions (won %): 4 (100.00%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 5 (100.00%) Loss trades (% of total): 0 (0.00%)
Largest profit trade: 12 884.00 loss trade: 0.00
Average profit trade: 3 766.57 loss trade: 0.00
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 5 (18 832.83) consecutive losses ($): 0 (0.00)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 18 832.83 (5) consecutive loss (count): 0.00 (0)
Average consecutive wins: 5 consecutive losses: 0

A snapshot of our latest Performance.


Recommended Recommended Quantity Script Current Market Price Percentage gain % PROFIT in Rs.
Date Price as on 26th March 2010

2/26/2010 Rs.47 1 Lot Ashok Leyland Rs.54.2 15%+ Rs.66850
2/26/2010 Rs.250 500 Cairn Rs.295 18% Rs.22500
2/26/2010 Rs.440 300 Torrent Pharma Rs.512 16.36% Rs.21600
2/26/2010 Rs.1550 200 SunPharma Rs.1765 13% Rs.43000
2/26/2010 Rs.230 500 Shilpa Medicals Rs.271 17% Rs.20500
2/26/2010 Rs.130 500 Jai Prakash Assoc Rs.150 15% Rs.10000


Date Script No. Of Shares Buy Price Sell Price Profit Rs.
26/03/2010 ICICI Bank 300 Rs.935 Rs.949 Rs.5700
26/03/2010 Tata Motors 200 Rs.735 Rs.750 Rs.3000
26/03/2010 Nifty 100 Rs.5270 Rs.5293 Rs.2300
26/03/2010 Ashok Leyland 10000 Rs.53.67 Rs.54.40 Rs.7000

Close P/L Rs.18000

BTST (Buy Today Sell Tomorrow)

Recommended Date Script Buy Price Sell Price and Date Transaction Type
3/23/2010 Rpower Rs.142 Rs.152 on 26/03/2010 Long
3/19/2010 ICICI Bank Rs.922 Rs.950 on 03/19/2010 Short Selling
3/19/2010 Tata Motors Rs.728 Rs.780 on 03/19/2010 Short Selling
3/29/2010 Ashok Leyland Rs.53 Rs.57 on 03/31/2010 Long

JPK Group Investment Mangement. strategy is designed to provide above average returns to our foreign investors secured by high quality investment products. Our goal is to utilize the skill and experience of our team to allow consistent safe fixed income investment options that provide above average returns. We accomplish this by utilizing our experienced team of managers to identify and invest in a mix of short and long term assets.

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